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Anya Nugent

Ph.D. Candidate in Astronomy

  • Liknedin

Hello! I am an observational astronomer pursuing a Ph.D. at Northwestern University.

Research Interests

My research focuses on studying the environments of one of the brightest explosions in space - short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Short GRBs are thought to originate from binary neutron stars (BNS; very compact "dead" stars) systems that eventually merge together. In fact, we know of one short GRB that was coincident with a BNS merger detected through its gravitational waves, thus confirming this theory!


Although we have this little bit of confirmation, many mysteries still surround short GRBs and their neutron star progenitors. In what kinds of galaxies do these systems form? How long does it take for these systems to merge together? How do these systems evolve with cosmic time? How do neutron star systems form together?


My research attempts to answer these questions through observing and modeling the host galaxies where short GRBs occur.


A Population of Short-duration Gamma-ray Bursts with Dwarf Host Galaxies

A. E. Nugent, W. Fong, C. Castrejon et al.

Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal


The Host Galaxies of High Velocity Type Ia Supernovae

A. E. Nugent, A. E. Polin, P. E. Nugent

Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal


Short GRB Host Galaxies. II. A Legacy Sample of Redshifts, Stellar Population Properties, and Implications for their Neutron Star Merger Origins


A. E. Nugent, W. Fong. Y. Dong, et al.

The Astrophysical Journal, 940, 57 (2022)


The Distant, Galaxy Cluster Environment of the Short GRB 161104A at z~0.8 and a Comparison to the Short GRB Host Population


A. E. Nugent, W. Fong. Y. Dong, et al.

The Astrophysical Journal, 904, 52 (2020)



Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Exploration in Astronomy (CIERA)
1800 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60208




Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and Department of Physics and Astronomy

Northwestern University

Evanston, IL 60208, USA


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